北京高贝迪安污水处理厂的Valmet TS为240万人



在北京高北店污水处理厂,一层澄清池的污泥总固体含量在1 - 60g /l之间,这意味着有时只有水被泵入污泥浓缩池。Valumet TS*)总固体变送器安装在主澄清器的出口中以控制泵送。


北京高碑店污水处理厂是中国最大的废水处理厂之一。它为每日1040万人的人口提供1040万人,10万立方米,加工约占北京市总废水量的40%。When the plant was built in the 1990’s, national standards for phosphorous and nitrogen in treated effluent had not yet been set and, because of high levels of nitrogen and phosphorous, treated wastewater did not meet criteria for even the national level V (not suitable for use in agriculture) surface water standard. Since then, the plant’s secondary treatment facilities are undergoing modifications which will allow approximately 530,000 m3/day to be treated to national 4 standard for surface water (suitable for industrial use and other uses not in direct contact with humans) and 470,000 m3/day to be treated to national 3 standard for surface water (suitable for aquaculture and recreation purposes). Mostly all of WWTPs’ effluents meet the US Level II standard for surface water.



valmet TS传感器于2012年9月安装在主澄清器的出口中。从那时起,工厂的人员对装置非常满意,其控制能力在1g / l至60 g / l的总固体范围内。系统。与光学传感器精度相比,从±1500至±500 mg / l的相关性得到了0.996的实验室测量,并且与光学传感器不同,不需要维护。




Valmet总固相测量(Valmet TS)是一种可靠、准确的微波实时测量,用于控制和优化固相处理过程,为作业者提供全天候的总固相信息。